Worship Leaders

Our worship Leaders are a group of 24 children, 2 per class, that help to plan, deliver and evaluate collective worship in school.  Each week we explore a theme that relates to a termly theme and events in the Anglican calendar.  Worship Leaders help to prepare the hall, including the worship table, and contribute to the worship activities.  
During weekly reflection in class, the Worship Leaders help lead the session.  They provide a summary of what we have explored in whole school collective worship and then share the weekly reflection task.
During the spring term we will continue to think about our school vision and values, in particular how these help us to live better lives.  We will think about the message of Epiphany and Easter.  Our theme for the autumn term was injustice and inequality.
December Update
The worship leaders have continued to support their class in weekly reflection, helping children to think about the current theme.  They also did a fantastic job at St Mary's Church, leading our carol service that was supported by so many parents.
November Update
Worship leaders have helped to lead our Remembrance Service in school and are supporting the school council during antibullying week.
October Update
Worship leaders have been busy learning how to support whole school collective worship and how to facilitate weekly reflection during class worship each Thursday morning.