Pupil Premium Information

How can I benefit from the Pupil Premium Grant?

The Pupil Premium Grant is ring fenced by the school so that children and families directly benefit from this money.  We have high aspirations for all our children and believe every child should be given the same opportunities as their peers, not just academically, but in all aspects of school life.  There should be no limit on a child’s potential.  We want to truly embed into our practice the equality of opportunity for all pupils.  As a school, we offer many benefits to help raise attainment and ensure all children are treated equally to their peers.  We believe that it is not about where you come from, but your passion for knowledge, and we are determined to ensure that all our children are given every chance to realise their full potential.

For 2019-20 the Pupil Premium Grant is £1320 per child on Free School Meals and £300 for Service children.  We have the freedom to spend Pupil Premium funding in the way we think will best benefit individual children.  The funding is allocated to a range of initiatives aimed at supporting more disadvantaged pupils, to ensure they benefit from the same opportunities as all other children and to ensure that they reach their full potential.  We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.

In addition to Free School Meals (FSM) funding, the school may also receive Pupil Premium for any ‘looked after child’ (children in care) or Armed Forces children.  

How do I know if my child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding?

Children who have been eligible for FSM in the last six years are identified by the Department for Education via the January School Census each year.  Pupil Premium funding is then allocated to the school to support these children.

In addition, children who have been looked after in care continuously for more than one day will also attract Pupil Premium funding.

Children whose parents are in the Armed Forces also attract Pupil Premium funding of £300.  All these children must be in full time education (FTE).

We assure parents and children that all matters regarding the use of this special funding are treated with discretion and in confidence.

Do I qualify for Free School Meals?

The eligibility criteria for FSM change every year; please see attached application form to check.


If you think you may qualify for this extra support please contact our School Business Manager, Karen Smith (01296 696822 option 4 or finance@wendoverjunior.co.uk).


Pupil premium statement 2023-2024.pdf