Wendover CE Junior School will ensure that personal data is protected. Our Data Protection policy is used as the basis for collecting, storing, accessing, sharing and deleting personal data. The school will use the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) as the benchmark for its standard for protecting personal data.
  • To ensure that decision makers and key people in school comply with the statutory changes to the GDPR which came into force in May 2018
  • To ensure that there are regular reviews and audits of the information we hold to ensure that we fully meet the GDPR statutory requirements.
  • To document the personal data we hold, where it came from and with whom it will be shared.
  • To ensure that data collection, data handling, data storage and data disposal procedures are in line with the GDPR and cover all the rights individuals have, including how personal data is deleted and destroyed.
  • Data access request procedures are handled within the timescales set out in the GDPR and we provide any additional information in line with the GDPR guidance.
  • The processing of personal data is carried out on a lawful basis as required by the GDPR.
  • Where the school needs to seek consent, it does so in a manner that meets GDPR standards.
  • Any records of consent and the management of the process for seeking consent meets the GDPR standard.
  • Where there is a personal data breach the procedures used to detect, report and investigate it, meet the requirements of the GDPR.
  • The systems the school puts into place to verify individuals’ ages and to obtain parental or guardian consent for any data processing activity meet the standard set in the GDPR.
  • Data protection by design and data protection impact assessments meet with the ICO’s code of practice on privacy impact assessments as well as with the latest guidance.
  • The school has a Data Protection Officer who will be given responsibility for data protection compliance.
  • When the school requests data we provide appropriate privacy notices to explain why data is being and the purposes for which it is used.
  • The requirements of the GDPR are met by this school as the basis for collecting, storing, accessing, sharing and deleting personal data.
  • Data is processed fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner. It is used for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited.
  • It is accurate and kept up to date and kept no longer than is necessary.
  • Data is processed in a manner that ensures data is protected.
To learn more about the General Data Protection Regulation, please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website on

Privacy Notice for pupils - August 2024.pdf