Collective worship is held daily and we value these moments when we gather as a school community. Worship provides a time for us to gain a deeper understanding of our Christian vision and provides opportunities for us to develop spiritually. Everyone, irrespective of belief or non-belief, is invited to participate through a greeting, listening, singing and reflecting on the message - considering how this is relevant in our modern world. Our school values are explored through reference to the bible, other religious teachings, moral stories and real-life examples. Everyone is encouraged to live the school values.
Once a week, collective worship is led by a member of the Wendover Churches Together Team, thus fostering good links between the school and local places of worship. We welcome visitors to lead collective worship so that we can celebrate and learn from different faiths and cultures. Each Thursday, children have worship in their class and complete a reflection activity - this is linked to the weekly theme. Our weekly celebration assembly is used to share our progress and to give thanks. We encourage each child to be involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of worship (we have worship leaders in each class). All children are encouraged to participate in assemblies for parents.
Policy statement for collective worship
This policy was drawn up by the Foundation Governors in consultation with the headteacher and staff. It should be read in conjunction with the school's policy for religious education.
- Wendover CE Junior School is a Church of England voluntary controlled school and our worship is based on Anglican principles, whilst offering a wider perspective of the Christian faith
- The school worships collectively, in order to support and promote the vision, values and school ethos, which is firmly rooted in biblical teaching.
- The organisation and planning which underpins whole school worship or small group acts of worship reflects the broad traditions of Anglicanism.
- Opportunities are given to children to reflect on spiritual issues through a wide range of styles and presentations and they are encouraged to reflect on these both during and after worship.
- The school invites all to be present in the acts of worship and respects the integrity of each individual's faith journey.
- The school recognises the legal right of withdrawal by parents of children for acts of worship and that children should be allowed to remain physically present during the collective worship but not take part in it, if parents so wish. The school also recognises the right of staff to withdraw from collective worship
- Information about our collective worship is shared with parents through the weekly newsletter and is on our school website.
- The school policy on worship aims to reflect the Oxford Diocesan policy and it is reviewed regularly.