The School Council

The school council is a group of 24 children, 2 elected members from each class, who work with adults to further improve our school.  They listen to the ideas and concerns of their peers and share these with school staff and governors.  They help to plan events that support the school community and communities further afield.  They communicate with their classes and the school about change and events.

This year, the school council will be focussing on Health & Well-being, Learning, Clubs and Fundraising.

January Update
The second section of the MHWB passport has been shared - this is all about belonging.  We will think about the importance of friends, clubs and community this half-term.  The school council has been helping their class to reflect on they can further improve their class community.
December Update
We have launched the school council's mental health and wellbeing passport.  This is designed to help children as they journey through school this year.  There are five sections that focus on different aspects of MHWB:  Basics, Belonging, Learning, Coping and Core-Self.  Each half-term will have a different focus.  We have begun by thinking about the basics things we need in life - safety, food and sleep.

November Update

The school council has held their first meeting and have been busy planning and delivering presentations and activities as part of national antibullying week. 

October Update
Children have been busy with school council elections.  Candidates have written their speeches before delivering them to their class.  Children have had a difficult job, choosing who they will vote for.  We are looking forward to the first school council meeting of the year.