Relationships, Health & Sex Education (RHSE)

Our programme offers many opportunities for children to understand issues that they are likely to experience throughout their life, and to acquire skills and attitudes that keep them safe and healthy.  We have a strong emphasis on improving the mental health and well-being of all children.


Relationship & Sex Education is taught in all years as part of a developmental programme – we ensure that lessons are age and stage appropriate.  Lessons help children understand their own bodies and the physical changes that are beginning to take place.  The idea of reproduction is introduced by examining ways in which plants reproduce and then comparing this to reproduction in animals and humans.  Discussions are held with the children regarding their feelings, stories or myths they may have heard and as part of answering their questions.  The teachers' work is supported by a range of audio-visual aids which parents are invited to view each summer term.

Curriculum Progression RHSE.pdf